WomenEd 2016 – promo
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WomenEd 2016 – promo

This is just a short post. Or repost with a little added reflection. I have a huge amount of admiration for those that people that put themselves out for the benefit of their professional community. I can think of numerous colleagues and various examples. I could list many, however if I were to miss any one of them out, that would be a mortal leadership sin (like missing a solitary “leaving member of staff” from the end of term thank you list.)  Those that freely share curriculum resources, those that offer professional opinion or expertise, offer school visits, moving up to those that host events, lead Teachmeets, organise and lead PD events and conferences.

On which note, I have been so very impressed by the inexorable drive and resourcefulness of my co-worker/organiser Hannah Wilson. Admittedly, few teachers need any more emails or notifications but in this instance, all is forgiven. Hannah has (almost) single handedly driven the Residential WomenEd 2016 Conference, making the staff I work with at The Wellington Academy feel valued along the way.

Working with Hannah, anything is possible.

  • Friday night after dinner speak – “let’s find some?”
  • Saturday morning wellness session – Who do we know? What could we offer? What space could we use?
  • What about supporting leaders with children – “The Bristol Teachmeet used a remote child minder.”

In an effort to pay my dues, Freya (my daughter) and I, had great fun and plenty of laughter creating a short first promo advert. Can I just add that “existing and aspiring” is not an easy combination for a five year old.

Developing yourself and Preparing to Step Up.

In the meantime, we are just about to release the call for facilitators, keynote speakers and potential sponsors. Importantly, expect tickets to be released in early December. In the meantime, as Freya implored, save the dates February 12th and 13th.

I look forward to meeting you there.

If you are thinking about taking advantage of the over night accommodation, it comfortable, warm and friendly. The draft menu is looking tasty. Friday night, melon and parma ham, chicken stuffed with stilton and spinach, finishing with profiteroles. Saturday morning, a cook breakfast made by someone else is always appreciated. Lunch will be light but sustaining, home made quiche with salad and fruit salad.




  1. Naureen


    Thank you for this. Enjoyed reading it. As far as Freya is concerned, she’s a born leader!

    The menu sounds exciting. I have one request, though. Would it be possible to have a vegetarian option as well? That would be appreciated. Many thanks.

    1. I’ll be sure to pass that on. In the menu notes, it highlights a Pesto cream. One presumes that is with pasta. (Need to check starters). By the by, we have a veg option every day at school so would expect it at the residential. Thanks for commenting.

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