It took us just over an hour to video 3 full length ‘takes’ and then a further hour or so to convert the files, edit the titles, add the soundtrack before uploading to Youtube.
The students were amazingly patient as we waited for the Sports Centre customers and PE classes to clear the ‘set.’ Complimenting the students, the actual production went smoothly with both the second and third takes rendering decent videos.
What did I learn on the final day of the project?
The students really pulled together. Their teamwork and commitment shone through, they were really having fun. This aside, there were two key lessons that we learnt, both of which can be resolved with a full dress rehearsal.
- One or two students forgot to bring props or the correct clothing.
- We learnt the most, when editing the actual video, more than during all the previous sessions and class plenaries.
Next time we plan to run a full dress rehearsal with props, (to be stored on site for the final session). Following 2 full takes, we would recommend returning to the classroom, sharing the video with the students for a critique, before planning the final session. On seeing their performance, some were pleasantly surprised, other offered excellent suggestions for possible improvements, I believe ‘showing’ the students their performances, is valuable, insightful learning strategy.
With the help of some of the students that took part (and hopefully a Drama colleague I meant whilst on the NCSL LFtM course) we are aiming to write a short scheme for work for other schools to adopt and create their own lipdub. IMHO, The educational value may in fact be more ‘production / drama’ than ICT but whichever it is, I am more sure than ever, that lipdubs should be a curriculum task.