ICT for Reading
IICCTT ffoorr RReeaaddiinngg

ICT for Reading

I have been impressed with recent reports demonstrating the impact of handheld ICT on students enthusiasm for learning – whether eda / pda / netbook / laptop / phone / I do not discriminate. I am only interested in the impact of learning. (It has certainly given me more confidence in our strategic emphasis to ‘enable’ ICT at Hamble through our netbooks pilot and whole college plan.)

Other findings included heightened student self-esteem, an increase in reading (particularly boys) and a general improvement in the students’ ICT skills and ability to manipulate information.

This week three non related events have brought these thoughts back into focus;

1. Our students are expected to read during one mentor period, students are reluctant readers – especially the boys.

2. I found an 8GB Apple iTouch for less than £150

3. Google opens up its entire archive of 1.5 million books to mobile iPhone and Android browsers, and converted all their page scans to text for much easier reading.

I am sure you can see where this is going. Can I afford the time for another mini project? Or can I afford to ignore that for less than £1000 the students could have over 1.5 million books at their finger tips? Guess I will be speaking to our Assistant Head / Head of SEN and our Headteacher next week.

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