Google Moderator
GGooooggllee MMooddeerraattoorr

Google Moderator

I really like the concept of Google Moderator but have yet to use it in one of my lessons….. but I do think there is real potential. Today I read that following President Obama address about the recent oil spill, White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs answered questions submitted via Google Moderator. To date 15,836 people have submitted 7,468 suggestions and cast 106,191 votes to, “Gulf Coast Oil Leak: What Are Your Suggestions?

As Wes Fryer writes

If Google Moderator is “good enough” for the White House to use for a national Q&A forum on the gulf oil spill, it certainly should pass muster as a classroom communication tool.

I wonder if I can work it into my teaching before the end of the year, something extra to the Moodle Choice Module.

Having completed this post, I was looking for a share URL and found you can Tweet it, Facebook it and email it. Handy. So, what ICT training would you attend if given a choice?

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