1.1 Middle Leader Development Diagnostic
Now that I have at least 5 raters contributing to my report, I can seek feedback. I am keen to see how this information is presented and what I can take from the information. I am hoping that the data …
Professional learning and training
Now that I have at least 5 raters contributing to my report, I can seek feedback. I am keen to see how this information is presented and what I can take from the information. I am hoping that the data …
I didnt dwell on self talk, nor on moving out of your comfort zone. To be honest, moving from post 16 Sport Science to 11-16ICT is a big enough move for me. Given the task of highlighting tasks that invoke …
When I saw this task, I was a little frustrated. I know why I am in education. I thought this answer should be readily available to all teachers. I enjoy challenging and inspiring young people. Second, I thoroughly enjoy learning myself …
This evening I started to look at the Leading from the Middle tasks. The quality of the materials is very good but I am really supposed to record my reflections on a piece of paper and move onto the next …
Moodle Champions CPD This afternoon we had our second Skoogle CPD session. More than anything staff across the school need a) the time to spend on developing the resources and activities within their courses and b) to witness the benefits …
Arrived at the Marriot Meon Valley Hotel at 4:30 fully loaded on Nurofen to help suppress the flu. I was there in body if not in spirit. The warm autumn evening and rural setting immediately raised my expectations. Thoughtful, light snacks as …
M is for Masters or Mmmm go on… Deepening and Developing Professional Learning, a presentation from Hilary Francis, Winchester University, (profile coming soon…) a very impassioned presentation encouraging the development of learning hubs and decentralised learning opportunities within a school (I like …
You need to…. say thank you, Kristian (voice rising not falling). Wednesday was set aside for staff CPD. With a David Stott presenting on ‘Dealing with Challenging Behaviour,’ I was looking forward to the event, for me personally and our …