Bookmarking with #Licorize
Bookmarking with #Licorize

Bookmarking with #Licorize

I am not giving up on all other bookmarking tools yet, but I must say I do like the Licorize bookmarking window and sidebar in Firefox 4, but wait just a moment…. before you move on, a point to consider….

projectlicorizeI have learnt from building wikis, teaching with Moodle and file management generally, that it is worth building / designing your ahhmmmm ‘back-end’ before you go head strong into the actual doing phase. Do spend 5 minutes setting up your Licorize ‘projects.’ I have created 3 or 4 containers and will probably grow the network of contributors as I get more confident with the product.


4matrixSo, bookmarks. As you would expect. It automatically fills in the URL, any highlighted text as notes and autosuggests tags. You can then assign the bookmark to a project and to a username. You can also add emote and also a category tag, eg whether it is fact a bookmark, or an image, a TODO, a person, a reminder… It only dawned on me after I had almost written the post, that Licorise had also taken a screen shot for me… see sidebar and default mode.

Heading back to Licorize, I am beginning to see how the additional functionality is coming together with further options to revise, toggle important, pin \ unpin, assign a worklog, duplicate and delete the bookmark.




In addition, the side bar offers a great outline of your online activity, search, projects and tag summarise….



Now I have discovered actions…. amongst other things compact and default mode and how the worklog will create cost reports. Hmmm I wonder what ‘distribute strips (Kanban)’ means? "signboard" or "billboard." Wow – there is definitely more to explore in this one feature alone…. and this is definitely an accelerated, powered-up of a bookmarking experience.

Next, what does Kanban have to offer,  booklets and other actions.


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