Aspice Porro 12-13
Aspice Porro 12-13

Aspice Porro 12-13

Bean-CounterAt the start of each new year, I look back at the year just past, and look forward to the year ahead. I like to reflect on how closely the year matched my expectations and hold myself accountable for my actions. The past four years of my career neatly filed away under the page category aspice retro, aspice porro, a new page for each year.

I am excited about this year as I have  a new job title and new role (Assistant Principal – Progression and Achievement) and I hope to work more closely with one or two of my PLN colleagues fulfilling similar, new roles. 2012-13 will be be a very challenging year. In fact, given the English GCSE AQA fiasco, it’s already been a challenging opening.

Here is just a flavour of the (nearly 5 page bullet pointed) job description. Should you be interested in collaborating, drop me a tweet or emails.

Purpose of Post:

  • Raise achievement of all students at all phases of the College ensuring students make progress at least in line with expectations.
  • Develop the use of data management systems to collect, monitor and analyse student progress for strategic use throughout Key Stage 3 and 4 and for transition to key stage 5.
  • Develop robust and user friendly recording and reporting systems that have significant impact on progress and attainment.
  • To ensure that data support drives up the challenge and achievement in the classroom.
  • To contribute to the strategic development of the College to ensure that it continually aspires to the highest standards.
  • To communicate effectively and relate positively to all stakeholders to inspire and engage staff and students in the vision for the College.

Key Areas:

  • Raise achievement of all students at all phases of the College ensuring students make progress at least in line with expectations.
  • Develop the use of data management systems to collect, monitor and analyse student progress for strategic use throughout Key Stage 3 and 4 and for transition to Key stage 5.
  • Develop robust and user friendly recording and reporting systems that have significant impact on progress and attainment.
  • To ensure that data support drives up the challenge and achievement in the classroom.

My focus so far has been on the constructing a system to collect, monitor and analyse student progress; securing this system firmly within the school calendar. It is not as simple as just building the system, it is building the system ‘with’ the teachers and middle leaders in mind and managing / facilitating their adoption of it.

Next, managing / facilitating middle leader with their teams adoption and supporting teachers using this information to raise achievement in the classroom, and where necessary question staff practice.

Next in the crosshair are the recording and reporting systems, however preliminary work has been undertaken this year. Next bring students into the process, so that they themselves can challenge their own achievement goals.

So, no personal goals as such, but tasks to fulfil and achievement to bolster to the best of my ability. Raise online, FFTLIVE, SISRA and almost every education spreadsheet and database known to man should beware. The personal goal, if there is one, is to be the one of the most adapt school leaders working with data in the County at AVP/AHT level, to be more ready for promotion than the other candidate come the end of the year. A second goal is for every teacher to know ‘how to’ and to have used class achievement and progression data to improve their teaching and raise student achievement. This will be born out or the monitoring systems I have integrated with the school calendar (no easy task) and one would hope staff’s confidence in me.


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