360 Appraisal Module for Moodle
360 Appraisal Module for Moodle

360 Appraisal Module for Moodle

Having completed a 360 review as part of the NCSL ‘Leading from the Middle’ and found the feedback very useful, I was keen to learn more about Kineo new ‘360 appraisal module for Moodle.’

This new plug-in module allows organisations to run 360 appraisals directly within Moodle and can be downloaded here.

The module allows organisations to create a competency structure that learners will be reviewed against and a customisable grading scale. Once the competency structure has been created a user can undertake a self-assessment before inviting a defined number of people to also rate them against the competency framework.

360_spiderweb2The data is then presented in either a table format or visually as a spiderweb-graph where self and peer responses can be easily compared and analysed. All available under a GPL License.

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    1. Kristian Still

      Almost all of the feedback I received as a teacher in my first 8-9 years of teaching was either a lesson observation or an annual performance management conversation. Conversations were in theory discussions, however moreover the ‘manager’ imparted their opinions and I listened. A single channel, top down appraisal.

      As part of the Middle Leader course we were asked to self assess, and nominate 5 peer reviewers to answer the same set of questions. We were encouraged to seek appraisal from our line managers and our lines. Hence, we received 360-degree feedback. Figuratively, we are at the center of the assessment circle.

      There is still a lot of debate surrounding the effectiveness of 360 appraisals and how they should be applied. That said, I found the process most useful in determining the extent to which my assessments matched that of my lines, and line managers. Did lines, and line managers perceive the same strengths and areas for improvement as I did? It was not the high or low scores that interested me, but rather the discrepancy between them.

      I tried to find the tool – as it was all done online, but sadly I couldn’t find it.

      (The NCSL review all provided a diagnostic output http://www.kristianstill.co.uk/wordpress/2009/10/28/middle-leader-development-diagnostic/)

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