Be a thermostat not a thermometer
Be a thermostat not a thermometer

Be a thermostat not a thermometer

I read an interesting blog post a few days back, but to busy to jot it down or post there and then, I sent myself a dictated note via Dragon Dictation to my email account (just one of numerous destinations). Speech to text accuracy with Dragon Dictation has really improved since I first used it to make notes on the leadership books I was reading summer 2009. NOw, with 2.0.5 on my IPhone I am achieving approximately 90+% accuracy, 90+% of the time, speaking at a regular place and consciously pronouncing my words clearly.

Here is that dictation I recorded and sent myself, without further editing.

Be a thermostat not a thermometer.

There is one fundamental difference between a thermometer and a thermostat. A thermometer simply reads the atmosphere, but a thermostat reads the atmosphere and responds so that the atmosphere returns to a predetermined criteria. When teaching, be a thermostat not a thermometer.

In this example, I used 3 separate recordings and achieved 100% accuracy. I was impressed. My next step, BBC News.


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