I was reading ’16 Ways To Win £25k And Change Informal Learning In The UK’ on Ewan McIntosh’s blog and stopped to consider our learning responsibilities. It does frustrate me that we have such wonderful IT services here at Hamble College and such little out of school hours use but to add to that, I am not currently stepping forward to host / teach / support in the evening. But am I really needed?
What if schools could opened their wireless connectivity to their local communities? Open internet access where learners can learn for themselves? Local authorities could post wireless access edumaps with control passed over to the school network manager. It’s not like most schools are not already screening the internet usage of the students and additional users in the evening would not be a drain on the network out of school hours.
My over-riding thought was that it is a shame that we have fantastic connectivity – disconnected. So I posted on those thoughts / feelings on the submit and idea link.
Hi Kristian
Thanks for blogging this and for submitting your idea – it will appear on the site real soon!