I am sticking to my Sunday trefoil. Three learning, reflective moments from the past week worth sharing. This week, monstrous world records, school improvement top ten and #BrewEd signpost.
There is an assembly in there somewhere. Self-discipline for sure. Eliud Kipchoge broke the two-hour marathon mark by 20 seconds this weekend! Okay, not officially, but it is one of those Roger Bannister breaks the 4-minute mile moments worth sharing with students. A monstrous achievement.
Don’t make excuses. When you have decided to do something, do it. No excuses. Then you are self-disciplined.
Eliud Kipchoge
Only the disciplined ones are free in life. If you aren’t disciplined, you are a slave to your moods. You are a slave to your passions. That’s a fact.”
Eliud Kipchoge
I caught up with the September ASCL Leadership podcast. The fifth item (at 30 mins 50) is a short interview with Toby Greany, Professor of Education, University of Nottingham, on lessons on effective school improvement, specifically “Sustainable improvement in multi-school groups.“
- How do these school improvement providers identify the improvement needs of schools and the appropriate solutions to those needs?
- How do they implement necessary changes in schools in order to achieve sustainable improvement?
- How do they measure and monitor improvement?
The executive summary (p11-27) offering an appraisal of each of two sets of high-level practices: the five school improvement ‘fundamentals’,
- Establish school improvement capacity
- Forensic analysis of school improvement needs
- Supporting and deploying leadership
- Access to effective practice and expertise at classroom and department level
- Monitoring improvements in outcomes and reviewing changes in the quality of provision:
And the five strategic areas for sustainability below.

Lastly, keep an eye on the #BrewEd hashtag. There are plenty of educators benefiting from this community.
Engagement, debate, real talk, real ideas and real laughs.
Bravo to the team behind #BrewEdCambs and @WalkingHead65. Locally, there is #BrewEdBrighton November 9th.

Finally, in honour of Amjad Ali @ASTsupportAAli encouragement to recognise the contributions of others.
A note of recognition for Jack Tavassoly-Marsh @GeogMarsh and the team behind ResearchEd Surrey for all the effort that goes into preparing and hosting such an event.
A note of congrats to David Fawcett on the release of his book “Relearning to Teach.“