Teaching Overseas -19 months
Teaching Overseas -19 months

Teaching Overseas -19 months

Thinking to intending

Our starting point was where? We came up with a few loose guidelines. We needed a direct flight so that grandparents and family could visit. Asia/South America. Predominantly English speaking. Europe. Family friendly and on the quieter side.

Teaching Overseas -19 months

In the February half term, 19 months ahead of our planned/perceived start date, my wife had the opportunity to visit her good friend working in Qatar. So she did. She enjoyed her time, the culture, the climate and flight times were reasonable (7 hours). If you have very young children, flight times may play a bigger part in your decision. The Middle East moved to the top of our list and our investigations moved to being our intentions.


Here is the summary of factors, that in reflection, steered our final decision in priority order. Timing/professionally: As a Headteacher I was able to evidence credible impact and had led an inspection. Three years – a respectable length of service. Harry’s impending move to Secondary in September 2019 became the focused date. Direct flights/flight times: A combination of factors here, travelling with three children, grandparent visits, simple practicalities. Family time/finance: My wife wanting to spend more time being a mum and a salary that meant only I had to work. My wife may choose to work in time. Wanting to see more of the world: The personal motivation not to let life pass us by and the potential benefits of seeing the world together as a family. The education living overseas presents us all, and the children in particular.

What would be your motivation? Opportunities and constraints?

The summary felt like I was writing about the industrial revolution and the push-pull factors of teacher overseas. It is possibly a fair analogy.

What would be your motivations, opportunities and constraints?

With our intentions privately agreed – though not with our children or extended family, I asked for the wider international community for help.

At this point, I should point out that in the Middle East the school annual calendar is slightly different. All our planning had been with term starting in September. When in fact new staff induction is typically mid August. Whilst on dates, summer term ends at the beginning of July. (IB results are published in early July if you are applying for a leadership role).

In a later post, I will share a typical annual calendar and important dates.

Here what they had to say next:

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