Can I get back to you on that one…
CCaann II ggeett bbaacckk ttoo yyoouu oonn tthhaatt oonnee

Can I get back to you on that one…

Teacher workload concerns are were headline issues. Something tells me that teachers are extremely busy doing the job (and more; Easter sessions, Saturday sessions, breakfast clubs, booster sessions, after school sessions), to keep it in the headlines.

If you ever find yourself agreeing to do something that you had no interest in actually doing, then stop, pause and think – how you could better use that time? When we find ourselves saying “yes” when we wanted to say “no,” we are essentially saying “no” to ourselves or the best interests of the pupils we teach. We should not feel guilty, rather, think of it as putting yourself and your pupils first.

Half of the troubles of this life can be traced to saying yes too quickly and not saying no soon enough. – Josh Billings

So how do we break the cycle of people pleasing behaviours?

Be self aware. Recognise when those people pleasing behaviours creep in.

If no feels awkward or discourteous try saying, “I’m not sure, can I get back to you on that one?” This gives you time to assess the request, more importantly it gives you the opportunity to make the right decision without feeling the pressure of having to make a decision. Or make that decision in front of the person that asked. No, really is an option.

Happy birthday #BB – she knows who she is. When saying no to friend requests when being selfish and getting ready for exams should be the answer.


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