Back in October 2012 I show cased three catalytics, real time response systems, that were front and centre.
This time let me share with you ExitTicket.
It is a little more sophisticated than the earlier catalytic systems and of course relies on wifi, the availability of wifi connected devices and of course staff confidence.
Of course, the benefits of catalytics are there for all to see. The teacher fans of mini-white boards will a test to that. However, you will have seen from the promo that ExitTicket offers a whole lot more, notably sophisticated calculations and reporting.
If you know instantly, at any given time in a lesson, what each and every students know (or at least can recall) or has yet understood, then your teaching practice will be altered quite drastically. Exit Ticket is most definitely disruptive.
Yes, there will be time invested in writing effective questions, there always should be, though this investment must be significantly outweighed by the time saved in marking and feeding back, leaving you plenty of time to invest more time in planning high quality questioning and differentiating support the students.
A little digging revealed that Exit Ticket has gone through some significant piloting, with a report for the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation (Dr. Louise Bay Waters and Dr. Patrick Lee) summing up their key findings.
- Real time feedback and check for understanding:
- Immediate interventions
- Preview/review options – ExitTicket results can be used to inform areas for review or preview in the same lesson, the next day’s lesson or subsequent lessons.
- Polling
- Competition – streaks of right answers, growth, and overall performance, a form of gaming like structures in learning
- Student ownership – students enabled to monitor their own progress and correct errors in real time.
- Error analysis – error analysis, enabling teachers to identify common patterns of confusion among their students and to address them with the entire class or individual students, as needed