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Speak up

Speak up

Having invested in Dragon Dictation and used the free app on my iphone to make quick notes on books I was reading, I am a quiet fan of voice to text or VTT.

Google Chrome has a built-in speech recognition system and Dictation is a webapp that uses Chrome’s speech recognition engine, but allows you to dictate much larger chunks of text right inside a simple webapp.

Click the microphone or hit Ctrl+Shift+. (full stop / period) to activate dictation mode, and then speak. Dictation also recognises a few simple voice commands such as ‘new line’ and permits some voice corrections too, right there inside the app. When you’re done, copy and paste the text over to your final destination.

Just to add to the post, I’ve been using the service a little more recently and it would appear shorter sentences are absolutely fine however medium and long sentences sometimes do not complete. Greater quick memo but other than that you’ll need to step up to something like Dragon diction if you really like voice to text.


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