Ewan McIntosh posted his reflections on a Rupert Murdoch speech given to delivered to senior government officials from around the world this May. An aggressive ‘pitch’ in which Murdoch states that…..
Everywhere we turn, digital advances are making workers more productive – creating jobs that did not exist only a few years ago, and liberating us from the old tyrannies of time and distance.
This is true in every area except one: Education.
Think about that. In every other part of life, someone who woke up after a fifty-year nap would not recognize the world around him.
Download Murdoch on Education – The Last Frontier, May 2011
Education continues to fail, lagging behind every other area of human endeavour on the planet, lagging like typically school unloved PC running Kodu.
What frustrates me most is that ‘education’ continues to be used willfully to encompass all education, all teaching, all schools. Get a little closer to the action and you will see / read about some of the most amazing learning experiences, much with and without the aid of technology yet almost always with the aid of passionate teachers and students. Am I too sensitive?