Collaboration, Moodle2Sims and Edict
Collaboration, Moodle2Sims and Edict

Collaboration, Moodle2Sims and Edict

Yesterday we took 2 collaborative IT proposals to Edict. This first was a small collaborative IT Network Group open to all schools with contributions primarily from Network Managers, lead technicians but also other interested IT staff (VLE and Sims Managers). The second, a Sims2Moodle proposal to development and support all Sims/Moodle schools in Hampshire.Both were well received and in principal, supported. This is a real positive step for Hamble College and in part reflects the forward and open thinking our Headteacher.

If you are a Hampshire school and wish to be included in this small collaborative group please add your details here.

The second proposal has taken 3 months to plan and focuses on sharing the development of a Sims2Moodle solution taking into consideration current VLE/MIS integration but also future requirements.

At this point in time, we are awaiting a response from Edict, but we felt the meeting was positive and indicates Edicts commitment to finding the ‘best solution’ for schools. We understand that in project managing Sims2Moodle we somewhat alleviate administrative burden from Edict, but in the same breath acknowledging we will have to formally report on the project to Edict, ultimately increasingly our accountability and the likelihood of its success.  I am very keen to see how schools that have adopted an Open Source product ‘share’ in its development.

With the support and forward thinking of our Headteacher, we have been able to employ the skills needed to pursue this project. We have been able to bring the right people to the table the discuss the idea and now we need the Moodle Hampshire schools to pull together. We have the idea off the ground, and we need the landing gears to make its happen (adapted from Jackson, C. O.)

Eventually we hope to share this beyond Hampshire Moodle schools, if you require more information please contact Ian Tasker

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