First I enjoyed the day, meeting with colleagues and sharing information. This has been extended this evening with a few Twitter connections too (mcntmgr, Lara_Young, alcrooks for example). I also made a couple of email colleagues 3D and was able to publically thank those indivuiduals that have supported me in my new role. So my takeaway messages
1. We need to consider a standardise filenaming protocol
2. What files will be stored and in what format – we had already decided on docs as pdf, but also need to consider ppts and wav/mps.
3. We are planning a mapped drive to work with Skoogle – using a current drive, replaced yearly – we hope this will be effective.
4. A lesson protocol for Skoogle classes – Perins use Alites activation, connection, consolidation model. To be agreed with SLT.
Next is the use of the Gradebook. This was very well and simply explained by Mike Adams. I believe this to be an essential teaching tool. I think we will be put some serious thought in to this area.
Finally – my recommendation to colleagues to actively share their ideas through Twitter, Delicious (or Diigo or like), and to continue their professional development through RSS feeds. I was really impressed with a Science colleague who had found 7 RSS science feeds in the very short time he was introduced to Google Reader. In the true nature of collaboration – my presentations are available here.
Really great day today! It was really good to chat to people and share experiences. I’ve now got started on twitter and just about to get Delicious too! Amir and I have already arranged a meeting to come up with a proposal to move forward with the VLE and develop a program to implement digital leaders. Thanks Kristian!
Wow – our DLs will be impressed that their little project is gaining traction in other schools.