Xtranormal Inspiration
XXttrraannoorrmmaall IInnssppiirraattiioonn

Xtranormal Inspiration

I have been wanting to get the Digital Leaders onto xtranormal for a while and Red Nose Day’s ‘do something funny for money,’ was a perfect opportunity. The students were given the outline of the comedy sketch and a very brief introduction to xtranormal. They then signed up, self-taught and colloborated, it was fantastic to watch. Xtranormal is still in BETA but has more than enough to capture their attention. With storyboarding, writing and then directoring, it posed some real challenging decisions.

With a direct publishing link with Youtube, I was over joyed only to fall at the last hurdle. As most of you know, schools are over protective and are our students grow up in a filtered web world. Even though they can step into the play ground and search an unfilitered internet on their mobiles. So their home work was to connect their xtranormal accounts to their Youtube/google accounts and publish.



  1. Great to hear you’re using xtranormal, which I love too and which I agree is accessible yet considered enough to offer budding writers/directors/comedians the chance to compose and construct fantastic two-handers. Check out ‘British Ninja’…now there’s an interesting grammar lesson all in itself…

    The irony of the IT watchmen is not lost on me either…all power to your elbow Kristian.

    Have you tried goanimate.com? I don’t dig the over-reliance on established characters but it does offer a good alternative to xtranormal, perhaps especially for slightly younger mediasnackers….

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