Developing my Moodle Noodle
DDeevveellooppiinngg mmyy MMooooddllee NNooooddllee

Developing my Moodle Noodle

I have started to source, tag and share my Moodle investigations, help yourself, Moodle tag @ Delicious. In addition to the Moodle site, there is a demo site, a Moodle blogger, a strategic deployment interview and some book references. I have joined Gideon Williams (Perins School) Moodle group for Hampshire, chatted with the ICT advisor for Bucks, now they are moving and shaking, spoke with Ian Ushers and a few other fellow teachers who have a professional interest in Moodle – at the same time slowly adding these names to my Twitter PLN. AT Hamble we have appointed a ‘Moodler’ 3 out of 5 days a week and continue to work with CTS on the deployment. Now I want to make sure we get the right install with the right plugins, thats means I have to develop my knowledge to be a lead practictioner for our College…… its about developing my Moodle Noodle.

Today I read and learnt about Conditional Activities. Now this a very motivating tool for students. Unlocking is something young people often experience in their gaming worlds. Complete XYZ and get a bonus level, the mystery room, new character, new move/power or end level boss. Exciting.

Other Learning Platform issues being discussed;

Integration with College MIS.

Visual appearance and skinning, this links with rebranding and renaming Moodle. Probably through student voice.

Accessing Moodle Moot.

Staff Training and wholeschool deployment and how this integrates with a Netbook progect and development on Sims.

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