Having agreed to organise a small group around the theme of Vital – I am finding that spare time no longer exists. If I am not organising the course on the OU Moodle, I am talking with our e-resources manager/graphic artist or DL teachers. In the evenings I am calling / emailing or Tweeting communications to the other staff involved. So here is my point. Management of time and expectation is essential, it was not until after I had agreed to run the project that I found out that measured time was calculated from time logged into the OU Moodle. Next time, I will ensure I know fully how our achievements will be measured before I agree. On the up side, I am really excited about meeting and working with ICT staff across the region on the concept of developing a Digital Leaders brand and school digital leadership programme. I think we have something special. If you are interested then drop me an email or visit the staff blog www.digitalleaders.co.uk.