successive relearning
successive relearning

Why Successive Relearning? Socrates was right! (Part 1)

It has been three weeks since Ben I started collaborating with RememberMore. It has been a fascinating, professionally rewarding, mainly digital, tennis conversation exchange, regarding the introduction of and then RememberMore app to his classes. Conversations tend to bookend …

48,478 students’ data from 222 studies and 573 effects – Testing Effect (V)

The final part of a 14 hour marathon. Starting with a question that is very important to me and not least @MaryMyatt. Q16. Does stake level matter? There is no significant difference in testing benefits between high-stakes (g = 0.441) …

48,478 students’ data from 222 studies and 573 effects – Testing Effect (III)

The opening post dealt with the broad overview of the paper and the key weighty finding that testing (class quizzing) yields a variety of learning benefits. Part II covered the open questions two to six. Here we are at question …

48,478 students’ data from 222 studies and 573 effects – Testing Effect (II)

Yang et al., (2021) published their meta analysis just this week. The first post in this series looked at the broad point of ecological validity of testing research, both backward and forward testing effects concluding with the main finding. The …