Swallow, Spit and Chew?
SSwwaallllooww,, SSppiitt aanndd CChheeww??

Swallow, Spit and Chew?

The curriculum we have is a ‘swallow’ and then ‘spit it out’ later curriculum. What we need, is a ‘chew on this’ curriculum.

This is not an exact quote but a paraphrasing of one of Mike Walters answers from a panel discussion. Now to think of ways to get students to chew on the curriculum. I fully appreciate why so many students chose not to savour the flavour of what they are dished, especially in ICT.

There were other inspiring thoughts shared by the panel, but I was working and listening so only made note of one or two. At this point, it is worth noting and thanking Learning Without Frontiers, who provided the Live Video stream of the event.

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