Reggio Emilia
Reggio Emilia

Reggio Emilia

Whilst talking on the phone to Ty Goddard (BCSE) about the impact of school designed on learning, he glossed (but glowed) over Reggio Emilia, a small area in Norther Italy famous for its use of the environment (the third teacher) in early childhood education. Since that conversation I have had little time to pursue that link. Today, courtesy of Ian Stuart, Deputy Head at Islay High School, the theme of the third teacher resurfaced along with a plethora of other fantastic resources exploring the impact of school design on learning and teaching.

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What children learn does not follow as an automatic result from what is taught. Rather, it is in a large part due to the children’s own doing as a consequence of their activities and our resources. (Malaguzzi, 1993. Director of the renowned Reggio Emilia Centre.

Stuart, thank you for taking the time to support a colleague.


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