I have now been at Hamble College for nearly 12 months and its my performance review this week. How do these meetings mould our progress as middle leaders. What can I glean from this experience to make me a better middle leader? Foremost in my thinking is the accountability that is acheived and agreed. Second, what questions do I need to ask to aid my professional development?
Time is an elusive resource. Is this due to poor time management, or is the ‘job scope’ too broad? I need to clearly identify what teaching hours are typical at this level. What management allowances are applied and whether this permits sufficient time to fulfil the job description. Currently I am leading Key Stage 4, the IT manager and strategic deployment of IT resources, the website, the VLE and whole school netbook scheme. I am also line managing the Key Stage 3 ICT leader and staff. At present, I consider this to be a little over-bearing.
How Do I Raise my Concerns?
I am finding it difficult to complete all college policies in time, such as performance reviews and departmental plans. The aim is to get the Departmental plans completed over Christmas. How do I communicate those concerns professionally?
Areas for professional focus:
Financial management and budgeting are constant endeavours for this current role. I believe that this may prove to be an area in which incorrect decisions could be costly. For future development, it may prudent to seek professional training here.
I need to continue to address and get myself involved in wholeschool strategies; netbooks / VLE and to challenge and implement strategies that will impact across College, yet also ensure that curriculum results improve year on year, starting with this years cohort. Also being involved, or at least involved in the discussions regarding the new building have been insightful.
I need to ensure that I spend time away from work to recharge.