Moodlemoot UK 2010 Day 1
Arrived and set up Coveritlive window – hope you can get something back from the conference. A Twiiter feed is already being drawn in and I may even try and stream some content. Click here and join us.
Arrived and set up Coveritlive window – hope you can get something back from the conference. A Twiiter feed is already being drawn in and I may even try and stream some content. Click here and join us.
Real progress. It may have taken some internet searching, emails, forums posts, Twitter posts and phone calls but we are edging closer. Late Friday afternoon, I received my first official email from Becta. Short and to the point, as late Friday afternoon …
Putting chocolate on top of broccoli. Teaching is a craft and I continue in my efforts to refine my craft under the education principals of ‘challenge and inspire.’ More recently, I have wrestled with the learning principal of fun. Emotive …
This morning I spent some time with our E-Resources Manager to discuss the value of a facebook account. We customised our profile information settings, avoiding policitcal views, sharing personal infomrtation, and access to our wall. We customisedthe contact info, as we didnt wanted …
After some persistent hunting of Yahoo personnel and conversation, I am please to say I have had a very positive email correspondence from a Delicious Project Manager. This has taken a few days of online investigative searching including the searching of Delicious forums, …
One idea that particularly got my attention at BectaX was to utilise social bookmarking for teachers. It made sense to me, afterall I have been using Delicious for many years now and its my own personal record of my time online. I …
BectaX is a one day conference which will congregate the very best thinkers and doers from education, digital media and policy. Together they will find pragmatic solutions to aid the transition towards 21st Century schools in a connected world I …
Hamble College started tracking netbook developments in 2008 following the launch of the Asus EEEPC the previous year. After a small scale pilot with 20 Toshiba NB100s in 2009 and a very reassuring visits to Arnewood School and Perins School …