links for 2010-09-30
YouTube – ALT-C 2010 Keynote Donald Clark (tags: alt youtube donaldclark keynote)
YouTube – ALT-C 2010 Keynote Donald Clark (tags: alt youtube donaldclark keynote)
My RSS feeder often comes up trumps. Here is a really simple outline for edtech enthusiasts and staff involved in promoting and training. It comes third hand, via David Hopkins, who quoted the 5Js from Mary Burns’ article on the … A mobile app development program for Moodle. iOS and Android (tags: moodle mobile mobilelearning)
In my opinion, ‘Fierce Leadership’ was less applicable to an educational setting than ‘Fierce Conversations’ and towards the end of the book I found myself scanning pages rather than reading them. Where I did find valuable content, I would hone …
What do you get, when you don’t get what you want. Experience. This week I witnessed how unforgiving leadership can be. A colleague sharing a wholeschool agenda, with positive staff ‘buy-in,’ working to the benefit of almost all teaching staff …
Ten years later… after a conversation with a colleague last night, I find myself sharing this post again. It is possibly the most shared post with teachers and particularly teachers and middle leaders working with new line managers. With a …
For the record, I am an online teaching and learning advocate. I don’t wish to mislead you. So, this Friday afternoon, as I left for home, I witnessed a colleague leaving school struggling with a large, plastic box, overflowing with …
Record, keep & share your voice recordings online | Voisse The easiest way to record your voice. (tags: audio recorder)