links for 2011-01-06
Video – Mobile Year in Review 2010 Rumor: New Tile-Based Shell, App Model, and App Store Coming in Windows 8?
Video – Mobile Year in Review 2010 Rumor: New Tile-Based Shell, App Model, and App Store Coming in Windows 8?
Currently I am writing lessons for our English GCSE Controlled Assessment Spoken Language Study. Having introduced idiolect we moved onto sociolect. In researching the topic I stumble upon a blog used by an A Level English group, studying and discussing …
Independent Research company Forrester made a bold statement in light of the 80+ tablets appearing at CES this week…. e-reader sales to increase by 50% in 2011 to 15.5 million devices while tablet computer sales jump 130% from 10.3 million …
MIT’s Siftables let you juggle your data… for real — Engadget (tags: siftables future gadgets information mit project) Welcome to MICDL 2002 Maine embarked upon the largest ubiquitous 1-to-1 digital learning program in the world when it inaugurated the Maine …
Siftables aims to enable people to interact with information and media in physical, natural ways that approach interactions with physical objects in our everyday lives. I first saw a product idea called ‘Siftables’ on a tech blog post back in …
Listen to my latest phonecast, a reading of ‘If’ – Rudyard Kipling as requested by David Mitchell in a tweet. [blackbirdpie id=”22385578439868416″] I am pleased to say he liked it. [blackbirdpie id=”22397596945354750″]
PIMPAMPUM – Phrasr .:. Words and images, could be very useful in English and for working with poetry? (tags: flickr photography photos mashup visualization images) Site to Phone – Send links or text from your browser to your phone (tags: …
In the summer, one of the managemment and teaching recommendations I made was to place the use of the word ‘but’ with ‘and.’ It is a very small change but nevertheless changes the tone of the conversation completely. Here is …