We are really moving with our Quick Key projects (Validatedlearning). 6 departments are now quizzing and scanning assessments. Two departments are racing ahead, Geography and MFL. Geography are preparing their first whole year assessment, as a precursor to their baseline assessment for next September. MFL are translating their homework grammar booklets to MCQs with embedded Quick Tickets for marking.
This week, in a conversation will Quick Key’s tireless Chief Brand Officer,Walter Duncan we stumbled upon two minor setup pointers that have made a real difference to our scanning and planning.
Scanning and planning
- We knew low lighting and keeping the scanning device parallel to the ticket improved the scan. What we didn’t know was that it was the ticket BOARDER, that was the most important component of the ticket. No breaks, no doodles, and it must be a dark line. If you are photocopying the Quick Ticket, then add a little extra darkness to the copy (we found in our test +3 worked best).
- Second, the Quick Ticket scans perfectly, in fact it is easier to scan and fit more readily within the guide-lines, when it is reduced. At 70% the lozenges were smaller, but no too small.
- The Quick Key scanning process redeems an assessment efficiency. That efficiency is extended by the number of questions you set. The added benefit of a smaller Quick Ticket, is that the space provided for questions. As you can see from the example below, a smaller Quick Ticket will provide more space on a single A4 sheet for additional questions. “More work for the recipient and yet the same assessment task for the donor.”
- How small is too small? We will be trial different Quick Ticket sizes in the coming week and reporting back to HQ. Expect to see three, four, and six Quick Ticket PDFs proforma from Quick Ticket in the future? We envisage that A6 size will still be usable for pupils and small enough to staple / stick into exercise books.
A5 | 148 x 210 mm | 5.8 x 8.3 in |
A6 | 105 x 148 mm | 4.1 x 5.8 in |
A7 | 74 x 105 mm | 2.9 x 4.1 in |

Meanwhile, behind the scenes we are preparing The Wellington Academy setup. Connecting departments and teachers. We are also discussing how we can elicit deep process thinking from pupils, through well thought our MCQs. More of this over half-term when I have time to dedicate to MCQ design with Paul Kearley our lead in the CPD Assessment Focus Group.