The first week of home learning as a parent (11, 9, and 5) and teaching, setting working for Year 8 (Romeo and Juliet) and Year 9 (Othello) classes via ShowMyHomework with signposted resource curated via Wakelet (Romeo and Juliet and Othello).
Home learning as a parent
Our Year 7 son is directed by his school and their communication through Google Classroom. He is able to access the learning and is self-directed. Work is predominantly ‘digital’ (80%) with occasional off-line tasks, eg PE – create a circuit, art – sketch a copy of Starry Night.
Our Year 4 daughter is directed by her school and their communication through SeeSaw. She is able to access the learning and is self-directed when supported. Work has been ‘digital’ (90%) with a splash of #PEwithJoe added.
Our Year R son is finding the change of setting and change in routine most unsettling. Understandably, he needs more interaction. We are using a range of school tasks with added iPlayer Ceebies learning, some creative activities (yesterday was design a foil boat) and practical tasks.
We are working to home learning in the morning and a more relaxed ‘learning’ afternoon with free-time from 3pm. We have a few daily / routine tasks to draw from when it gets a little stressful – share below.
Home teaching
Setting and scheduling work via Showmyhomework and checking email has worked. Extending the support for learning with curated resources has worked. Next terms ‘A Christmas Carol‘ and ‘Of Mice and Men‘ resources are coming along.
Classic free ebooks (via Standardebooks epub look great) uploaded to Google Play Books, share/push your reading notes to your GDRIVE. Great in the browser, mobile on any connected device, inbuilt dictionary and translation. Plus, bookmarks, text display options and four colours for textual highlights and notes (Scrooge – yellow, family – blue, social responsibility – pink, other – green) hyperlinked back to Play Books.

A Christmas Carol is now available for Year 8. For all your Shakespeare needs – the Complete Works of Shakespeare or you can access the individual plays.
Regular tasks home teacher-parent
We have a writing challenge with pobble365, typing practice with typingclub, daily reading. Maze Runner for Harry, Grapes of Wrath for me. We are listening to “Rise of the Dragons (Kings and Sorcerers–Book 1)” from Morgan Rice.
We have revisited AR and VR with Google Expeditions.
KenKen – math puzzles have daily challenges.
Together with Harry (Year 7) we attempted to set up Fortnight ‘duos’ and Rocket League 2v2 in French. Limited success. So we are planning on trying a first person adventure with dialogue in French.
Pobble365 offers daily writing prompts, questions, sick sentences (corrections needed) and other short activities.

A treasure trove of resources.
With Tripticoplus, I have created some very simple learning tasks. Numeracy and literacy sort and order tasks. Olly enjoyed sorting numbers 1-20, ordering “number words” and sounding out letter sounds. He also identified numbers of a spinning wheel. All very simple and fast to create. Here we are learning vegetables.