The data display I have referred to most often recently is our Data Wall. It is far from complicated on the surface to understand, though there is plenty of Excel wizardry behind the scenes to make it work. Both the hard graft and the design is the work of Jon Adams, our Director of Assessment, and it is as effective, as it is colourful. The perfect tool for directing the conversation between the Head of English and Maths on English and Maths combined attainment.

Behind the data wall is a generic year data broadsheet. The data wall then pulls out the English, and the Maths grades (both Working at and Most likely final grades) and assigns a grouping. Somewhat like plot coordinates.
The groupings (or coordinates) are then mapped to assigned cells in printed, colourful display sheet.
- White – EM A*-B. English A*-B with Maths C+ or C. Maths A*-B with English C+ or C.
- Yellow – English C- with Maths A*-B. English and Maths C+ or C. Maths C with English A*-B. Maths C
- Red – A passing grade in one of English or Maths but missing out on the other.
- Purple C-D or DD in English and Maths.
- White again – remaining students. Students outside the boxes are on roll with no recent grade.
In the top left is a filter option to show either the current working at grades or the forecast most likely final grades. To the far right, the numerical summaries. Update the data and you simply refresh the display. Simple, effective and colourful.
This is great, like a venn diagram but better! Would it be possible to have a blank copy? I can share something we do in return?
Of course. I will have to create a sanitised version. Drop me an email and I will get to it over Easter. Firstnamelastname at the Wellington
I tried emailing you with regard to a copy of your data wall and it has bounced back! Please could you contact me.
Looks like a fantastic setup, this would ensure that the 2 most important departments in the school can really work together to ensure the best possible match between them. My school had Maths and English exam results at 67% each, but only 58% match up!
Any chance of a blank copy so I can populate it for them.
Andy, I will sanitise a spreadsheet and share as soon as I get time.
Agree completely with the comments above that the ‘Data Wall’ looks excellent. I’m trying to get our new Head of Maths and new Head of English to work closer together in order to raise our A*to C inc EN&Ma measure. The tool you have would be an excellent starting point for them.
Please could I have a blank copy of the spreadsheet to use in my school?
Many Thanks
For sure Paul. Drop me an email at TWA.