Chris Moyse opening to this years 5th birthday #TLT17 was a wonderful mixture of sense, encouragement and personal sharing. Quite unreflective of a student characterised as having

His talk was backed by a wonderful and diverse reading list, years of experience and many many professional intereactions with schools.
The core message, a humble and realistic message, of personal endeavour, the frailities and hardships of being a teacher punctuated with occasional, gentle warnings, regarding retention within our profession.

There were more than a handful of takeaways; here are a few of my favourites.
‘What’s the worst someone could say about a person whilst retaining an element of truth?’
Gabriele Oettingen – WOOP Wish Outcome Obstacle Plan.
Optimise simplicity and embrace failure.
You can’t constantly improve – sometimes we plateau, we need to consolidate.
It is okay to have “good bad days.”
Thanks Chris.