Defeat, failure, falling and winning
Defeat. Failure. Falling on your face, falling on your arse, are the only things that teach you how to win. – Kevin Spacey The final words of the Andy Murray documentary. [qr_code_display]
Student, colleague or personal successes.
Defeat. Failure. Falling on your face, falling on your arse, are the only things that teach you how to win. – Kevin Spacey The final words of the Andy Murray documentary. [qr_code_display]
Never say never. Limits, like fears, are often just an illusion – Michael Jordan Michael Jordan quote from his speech upon being enshrined to the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame 2009. There are only a few MJ quotes I have …
This Friday’s Year 11 ‘Drive to the finish line’ assembly was led by an inspirational young man, former elite gymnast and aspiring stuntman, Jay Young. Just two years on, and following eleven months of gruelling physiotherapy, Jay is commanding the respect and attention …
Nearly 10 years ago my recaps starter involved 16 numbers cards, stuck to the whiteboard with blue tac. Underneath, drawn on the whiteboard, 9 Qs or questions, 3 stars, 4 blank spaces. Back in the day the students pulled off a card …
I feel that the saturation of poetry teaching has left its mark – my next tattoo will most like be ‘OARSIM’ – onomatopoeia, alliteration, rhyme and rhythm, simile, imagery and metaphor. Hence David Didau, doesn’t do… dull. David doesn’t do ‘activities’ …
This is not the time to be reflecting on a weekends marking however, just as I am checking out and about to power down, @dandesignthink posts this insightful image on Twitter. If you have not come across Dan’s graphic design, do …
…comes together. (Doo do do doooh, doo doo doooooh….) Take one regular lesson, on a regular Thursday, on a regular topic. Add a little Triptico magic, some fantastic, thoughtful, precise and quick witted questioning from a adventurous teacher and bam …