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Planning what we are going to assess, rather than how we are going to assess has taken up the lion’s share of my time. The sheer weight of curriculum reform has done little to alleviate teacher workload. One reason we …
Applying teaching strategied, techniques and ideas.
Planning what we are going to assess, rather than how we are going to assess has taken up the lion’s share of my time. The sheer weight of curriculum reform has done little to alleviate teacher workload. One reason we …
Just a quick sign post. It is a long summer break is the USA. As the America teens are running out of enthusiasm for pretty much everything, Google has stepped up and this week released a virtual Camp Google (ending early August) aimed …
Gill Walker leads on Personalised Learning. Irregularly she sends us a PD prod. Last week was a Ted Talk, this week was a link to the National Autistic Society “My World” programme – featuring an interview with no other than “Christopher” …
I have been in awe of the Tour de France (Tour de Force) ever since I read Lance Armstrong’s autobiography. It’s Not About the Bike became the pre, pre-season reading for our college footballers (SIUE) leaving them little excuse to complain during …
Before the academic year comes to a close, I am already starting to think about next year… I was desperately disappointed to miss #Edfest15 this year and have already had to decline an invitation from the wonderful Rachel Jones (@rlj1981) booked …
Everything you were looking for was right there all along. A year without lesson observation grades seems a long time, in reality we have not even completed one Performance Review (PR) cycle. Most of my investment and preparation for the move to …
As we make steady, if weary, progress towards the end of Term 6, both Senior and Curriculum Leaders in schools across the country are self-evaluating themselves. No doubt under the old Ofsted framework, with forethought for the new framework. Here …
Day 2 started with timetable conversation over breakfast, primarily about how curriculum, timetabling and scheduling was being handles in our respective organisations. I use these three terms quite purposefully as they were quite purposefully and discreetly employed by the course …