Project Rome?
Again my RSS reader comes up trumps, this time with Adobe Project Rome. So what is it? And, Did it take longer than a day to build? Project ROME is an all-in-one content creation and publishing application that lets virtually …
Applying teaching strategied, techniques and ideas.
Again my RSS reader comes up trumps, this time with Adobe Project Rome. So what is it? And, Did it take longer than a day to build? Project ROME is an all-in-one content creation and publishing application that lets virtually …
I have been working with Moodle gradebook for the past half term. The process of moving students over to online submission has not been without its issues. I include a summary of the challenges I have encountered and the measures …
So, I am finally heading over to ‘Society & Environment Office.’ I do not profess to be knowledgeable about the topic, so it should be fun. The first impressive option is to dock blocks. Peronally, I would move all the …
Like so many moodle users Hamble College have been reviewing and updating recent Moodle builds. Well, until we start building our Moodle we will be enrolling at Mount Orange School. According to the blurb the best way to use the …
Moodle resources are rarely inspirational. Barely inspirational, if anything, resources and standard files are frequently uploaded to fill course space. You said we needed to add content, I added content. As a result, resources are rarely discussed …
Here I am, teaching in my 10th year and the students are still teaching me about what makes them tick. Thursday’s lesson always starts with Wordplay. Each week I create 10 Moodle flashcards to help students practice their spellings. Students …
At the entrance to the school reception was a bold red background upon which the schools name was proudly presented. We had arrived at Redbridge Community School. We were met by the Headteacher, Lindy Barclay, and joined in her office …
How do we get “There…” If we don’t know where it is? And we haven’t yet agreed on what ‘there ‘looks like? (We, being me, the Head of English and the department). Very soon into accepting my new role at …