Swallow, Spit and Chew?
The curriculum we have is a ‘swallow’ and then ‘spit it out’ later curriculum. What we need, is a ‘chew on this’ curriculum. This is not an exact quote but a paraphrasing of one of Mike Walters answers from a …
Applying teaching strategied, techniques and ideas.
The curriculum we have is a ‘swallow’ and then ‘spit it out’ later curriculum. What we need, is a ‘chew on this’ curriculum. This is not an exact quote but a paraphrasing of one of Mike Walters answers from a …
So I created the Moodle games and set the Year 7 students at ’em. At the start of the lesson, these young students were informed that ‘we’ were embarking on a learning experiment. I explained that I had created a …
Popplets is mindmapping in a really effective UI with great social features. Colour coding, text, image, draw and share. Go on, have a go. [qr_code_display]
Today I explored Moodle’s Games Module, at the end of the post I wanted a word that both describe ‘fun’ and ‘learning.’ A word to describe the process of edugaming (not that edugaming is a real work either) afforded by …
I am not planning on re-writing a post already written by respected Moodle bloggers and screencast on Youtube, however I do wish to showcase Moodle’s Game Module. Key points You’ll be able to make multiple game activities in minutes if …
Edublogger and edu-design enthusiast Dean Shareski shared his daughter’s artwork and inspiration this weekend via one of my favourite Flickr image pools. I felt it was worth sharing as well. While cleaning in my daughter’s room, I noticed …
Instructors can impart only a fraction of the teaching. Ueshiba Morihei [qr_code_display]
Revisiting, improving and marking Yr11 coursework has been my teaching focus for the past 3 weeks with students submitting their updates via Moodle’s Dialogue block. I get notified of their submissions and feedback using the MS WORD review features. I …