Effort and Failure
Effort brings with it the risk of failure. @LearningSpy Question is, how do we encourage our students to invest more effort at the expense of even greater failure? Mobile post. [qr_code_display]
Applying teaching strategied, techniques and ideas.
Effort brings with it the risk of failure. @LearningSpy Question is, how do we encourage our students to invest more effort at the expense of even greater failure? Mobile post. [qr_code_display]
After experiencing a few difficulties getting access to IT on a Friday afternoon I decided take the 18 students I teach to the library, after all Quest, at least playing Quest, is reading. We installed the client version of Quest …
Every ICT suite, in every school is subject the ‘rules.’ Here at Hamble Community Sports College, we are no different. Over the summer our very gifted IT Technician created personalised ‘our IT suite rules’ posters for each member of the …
I thought it would be simple, open up my browser, search “Behind the Screen” AND Willetts and I would be able to read more about David Willetts brave new world for ICT education. Epic #fail. Surely, if we are going …
I have been reflecting a lot this week on lesson planning and design as I am teaching a new subject for the second year in succession. The time required to create NEW resources, and learn NEW knowledge can be exhaustive …
Fact: As each goose flaps its wings it creates an ‘uplift’ for the birds that follow. By flying in a V formation, the whole flock adds 71% greater flying range than if each bird flew alone. Lesson: People who share …