Parental Engagement
With parental engagement a new strategic responsibility, this image speaks volumes. [qr_code_display]
Outlining vision and leading strategy
With parental engagement a new strategic responsibility, this image speaks volumes. [qr_code_display]
In review of the exams data last week I was reviewing schools in our local area. I am trying to see the various press releases through the eyes of prospective parents and future recruitment plans. The Department of Education offer …
Having completed a 360 review as part of the NCSL ‘Leading from the Middle’ and found the feedback very useful, I was keen to learn more about Kineo new ‘360 appraisal module for Moodle.’ This new plug-in module allows organisations …
In any situation, the person who can most accurately describe reality without laying blame will emerge as the leader, whether designated or not. Edwin Friedman [qr_code_display]
So here are my early ideas… Playing Quest 5 titles to encourage reading habits and developing thinking skills. Not to forget writing responses as a part of game play and minimal numeracy as a part status and attributes. Possible writing …
Today, with two colleagues I attended The Mustard Agency’s seminar ‘Effective School Marketing.’ As School Marketing Consultant, Paul Sample explained, the seminar would cover six condensed workshops; Marketing strategy School brand image and identity School websites Media releases School newsletter …
Just a great photo, quote and thought provoking combination. Quote taken from Jason Kottke when referring to comparisons made between basketball greats Michael Jordan and LeBron James. We are easily mesmerised by the myth of talent. However, we often forget …
How you do see teaching, the design of the building and ICT combining to create a thriving learning environment that enhances achievement. (Without Visual Aids) Which came first, the teacher or the teaching space? After all, we all know that …