Arts Award
200 Year 7 watching, laughing and enjoying a Forest Forge and the Nuffield Theatre production of ‘The Phoenix and the Carpet.’ Join four children on their adventures as they are whisked away on their new magical carpet, with help of a …
Outlining vision and leading strategy
200 Year 7 watching, laughing and enjoying a Forest Forge and the Nuffield Theatre production of ‘The Phoenix and the Carpet.’ Join four children on their adventures as they are whisked away on their new magical carpet, with help of a …
The work will wait while you show the child the rainbow, but the rainbow won’t wait while you finish your work. – Pat Clafford [qr_code_display]
Given a fairly positive first core day, I was giving ‘planning’ more consideration that I usually would on a Monday afternoon. Specifically, when and how you learn to plan effectively. So, given the NCSL materials and the commentary from Maggie …
The day started early. iO have kindly decided to support Interactive Fiction platform Quest and together with Andy Goff and Alex Warren we are hurriedly drafting an introduction competition for teachers and educator with some fantastic prizes. More of that later…. A short drive to the …
After a very pleasant lunch we reviewed the coaching process. Coaching – Helping someone to find ‘answers’ for themselves. Alternatively, a more refined definition is provided by the NCSL. Certainly, it’s never a bad thing to review this highly valuable …
10 months in the journey and our Principal has decided to take the ‘temperature’ at our school using a Leadership and Learning Spotlight Review (LLSR). A self-evaluation process led by external colleagues emphasising a non-judgemental, collaborative process for school improvement. …
A good leader inspires people to have confidence in the leader, a great leader inspires people to have confidence in themselves. (Eleanor Roosevelt) [qr_code_display]
It’s not that often these days that I get to add to my Challenge and Inspire, Creative Writings page, So that when I do I think it’s perhaps appropriate to share as a blog post as well. I really like …