The Learning Rainforest
Tom Sherrington blog has been in my feed reader for as long as I can remember. I feel I have ridden pillan to the development of his teaching concepts and his leadership outlook. I feel fortunate enough to have heard …
Tom Sherrington blog has been in my feed reader for as long as I can remember. I feel I have ridden pillan to the development of his teaching concepts and his leadership outlook. I feel fortunate enough to have heard …
One of my own criticisms of our profession is our ability to share bad news over good. Even when the DfE shares good news, we have a tendency to mark it with red pen and share the faults. That said, three …
A few months ago Vic Goddard connected me with Georgia Holleran who had decided to host an event that focused purely on staff well-being. After our first telephone call it was clear that this was someone that was going to …
Visiting Jose Picardo for the second time, he was no less a gentlemen, if a considerably busier. Today, Jose was hosting ‘Putting excellence into practice’ – Hampshire Collegiate School’s inaugural “Teaching and Learning Conference.” It was a beautiful day, a …
Leading the professional learning of your colleagues is tricky, trickier when they are in the business of education. On Monday our staff met to co-construct our teaching and learning focus for 2018-19, within a our organisation’s global vision for learning. …
A few lessons learnt this week, tying in with #teachwellfest, recognition and gratitude. Learning most days in school leadership, from colleagues and those with plenty more school leadership experience than I have. Have spare neutral cards at your disposal so …
Saturday 30th is #TeachWellFest. I am an advocating for the event because without positive staff well-being, there is no profession and second because I respect the investment of hard working, determined educators, putting staff well-being and career longevity in the spotlight. …
Self reflection frameworks and school improvement plans go together like… well… self reflection frameworks (SEF) and school improvement plans (SIP). It is that time of year, where our attention turns to planning for the next academic cycle, preparing September’s INSET …