Trefoil 20.01.20
With the first meso cycle (10 x 50 minutes lessons) of the new scheme of learning completed, this is what I have learnt / been reminded of this term after assessing my Year 9 students first ‘control-conditions’ writing burst. The …
With the first meso cycle (10 x 50 minutes lessons) of the new scheme of learning completed, this is what I have learnt / been reminded of this term after assessing my Year 9 students first ‘control-conditions’ writing burst. The …
The new teacher advert has received mixed reviews. Some suggesting that the advert was “misleading.” Starting early was barely mentioned, yet leaving with the pupils, without marking, besmirched the credibility of the ad. (On the marking point, I have just …
The first trefoil of 2020 and my thoughts are anything but 20:20. Early starts to “run and listen” made an welcome return but they are a shock to the system. In addition, I am waist deep in a discussion centred …
In part 1 of “To Survey or not”, Bruce Greig, (entrepreneur and school governor), and I presented the case of whole school surveys with Tony Sheppard offering his expert opinion of Data Protection. Part 2 looked at the key …
In part 1 of “To Survey or not”, Bruce Greig, (entrepreneur and school governor), and I presented the case of whole school surveys with Tony Sheppard offering his expert opinion of Data Protection. It was a broad overview of …
The 17th caught up on me. I had forgotten that I had contributed to Mark Anderson’s neat Christmas #Appvent project. I was wondering why I was receiving a hatful of notifications… as I was sharing their feedback with 9b.
Over the past year, Bruce Greig, (entrepreneur and school governor), and I have been discussing the use of whole-school staff surveys (we also discussed the use of surveys generally, students, class, department staff, parent/carer and stakeholder). We bumped into …
Last trefoil, I had three strong candidates by Tuesday. This week was steadier. Again, my morning runs/podcasts delivered insight and provocation and I finished off with Y9B English – on top form! Trust comes on foot, but leaves on horseback. Sir …