LftM Learning Focus
Part of the LftM Learning Journey, is a ‘Focus’ document. In making the paper decision, I have tried to reflect on the advice from my LftM coach yet be realistic about the time I wish to invest in Lftm (given …
Part of the LftM Learning Journey, is a ‘Focus’ document. In making the paper decision, I have tried to reflect on the advice from my LftM coach yet be realistic about the time I wish to invest in Lftm (given …
Intel, asked 2,700 teachers from 15 countries about technology in their schools. While 98% felt that technology was critical in preparing pupils for the workforce, three quarters also thought governments were not doing enough. 70% of teachers thought children should be …
With Yr 11 moving closer to exam season, coursework deadlines are looming. Students around the UK (and every other education system closing in on Exams) are about to tell you why they can’t get done, what needs to be done. Here is …
In most schools, students are over 92% of the people in the system, and they are certainly the ones most affected by any change. Yet we often overlook them when we plan and implement visionary efforts like going 1:1. This …
Text substitution app Texter is a very neat tool that auto completes abbreviations with commonly used phrases you define. For example K(spacebar) autocompletes my signature Kristian Still (MsEd) and HC(space) Hamble Community Sports College, now thats very useful. Unlike software-specific …
At the SSAT Conference this November I tweeted whilst sat next to Tony Parkin. I had never met Tony, dispite a number of efforts to get the opportunity. We arranged to meet and discuss how we could share good practice, I highlighted our …
When its quiet, I really enjoy my reading, especially my Google RSS reader. Every time I get an hour to read I find at least a handful of thought provoking statements. Today its Clay Shirky, he’s a regular contributor. A …
Values and vision for change was the first E-Resource I attenpted today. The purpose of a vision for the school … is to inspire everyone connected to the school to focus action and to have all stakeholders pulling in the …