I really do not think that the title needs a posting but I am also accutely aware that it would be short sighted of me not to at least provide a brief explanation in three pragmatic bullet points. A hashtag or # …
I really do not think that the title needs a posting but I am also accutely aware that it would be short sighted of me not to at least provide a brief explanation in three pragmatic bullet points. A hashtag or # …
I have been marking this morning. Marking students work always teaches me something about my teaching, something about my students, and almost always leaves me mulling over the process and relationships involved learning and teaching. Having started the class with ‘Who …
@alfiekohn: Ever notice that managers who earnestly exhort us to “think outside the box” tend to resist any effort to change the box itself? http://twitter.com/alfiekohn/status/244409633962336256 Sent with IFTTT
I work with two fantastic middle leaders. Both support me whole heartedly and their feedback is always well considered. In preparing a whole school, whole year, data monitoring calendar I asked if one of my lines to proof both the document …
The GCSE English fiasco continues, it roots run deep. I have used the hash tag #reallives on a number of occasions now, for a D grade in GCSE English will certainly impacts on the lives of the 12/45 students that would have achieved …
Two old skool moments for you. One connected to my passion for IF and CYOA and the old, plain old gaming memories. For all you 30 and 40 somethings, Fighting Fantasy has come back from the dead, with the undead. …
At the start of each new year, I look back at the year just past, and look forward to the year ahead. I like to reflect on how closely the year matched my expectations and hold myself accountable for my …
@Sports_Greats: It’s not the will to win that matters—everyone has that. It’s the will to prepare to win that matters. -Paul "Bear" Bryant http://twitter.com/Sports_Greats/status/240901372009148417 Sent with IFTTT I have one of Bear Bryant’s football books on my shelf. I have …