Professionally today at #rEDBerks with @hp_phillips, as a Secondary pairing, we curated a literacy, reading / phonics pathway with our Primary colleagues. We a little truffle-hunting with Jonathan Mountstevens @MrMountstevens. His preferred metaphorical quality assurance approach over paragliding.
Opened by Sir David Carter:
A truth presented from a committed experience (40 years) to building and sustaining school and improving classrooms for all children. #rEDBerks As ever, more questions than answers from @Carter6D
Eloquently closed by Beccy Allen.
Our thanks to Kelly Buxton @KellyLBuxton “Sequencing and implementing a reading curriculum,” followed by Charlotte Mackechnie @c_mackechnie “Teaching phonics from receptions to Year 6 (and beyond).” Then a big splash from Chris Such @Suchmo83 – “What every teacher needs to know about reading development.”

Over the clustering generic skills.

Gets you to:
Retrieval practice alone comes up short and the evidence why?

The area of research my educator interest is focused upon – the micro-economics of test-enhanced learning efficiency. I know – rock n’ roll right.
The full presentation is here.
Thank you to the organisers the event.