There really is little more I can say, other than to reiterate Tom Sherrington’s encouraging words to grab a copy of Arthur Shimamura free ebook A Whole-Brain Learning Approach for Students and Teachers. Consume it in a couple of hour or so, it is well worth your time. If you one have 10 minutes, read Chapter 1 – “Meet Marge,” just three pages.

If you only have five minutes, Oliver Caviglioli has captured the main mnemonic ideas of MARGE (Motivate, Attend, Relate, Generate, Evaluate) here in this poster shared via Tom’s blog.
If you were asked to outline the process of effective teaching, you would do well to improve upon MARGE.
To improve conceptual learning, we must consider how brain regions engage a multitude of psychological processes, such as instilling interest in the learner (motivate), selecting relevant information (attend), integrating new information with existing knowledge (relate), retrieving the information (generate), and monitoring success in learning (evaluate). p5 Arthur Shimamura.