Outperforming Team
Outperforming Team

Outperforming Team

Outperformance: the ability of an organisation to achieve results that are consistently better than a chosen peer group.

The are no shortage of Sir Dave Brailsford MBA, CBE, fans. His ‘marginal gains*’ approach to leading success is simply unpicked in  this ‘Investors in People’ article. Well worth any aspiring leaders time.


1. Recruit the best people. Brailsford indicates that the emphasis should be on finding the people, with the best behaviour fit, rather than their ability. Podium people. Hire potential, train ability.

2. Give people ownership. With ownership comes accountability (and responsibility.) You can’t empower people without making sure there’s accountability and responsibility. Ownership alone won’t work.

3. Clarity of role, responsibility and boundaries. So you have to double check and really make sure you’ve got that role acceptance part of the process mapped out.

4. Identify the standards which you expect and are going to set. Short term and long term. Make clear what your standards of behaviour and performance are. Make these visible. In schools, I think this is for all, and I mean all.

5. The four previous points makes for happy people in a happy environment.

The easiest marginal gain is a smile. If you walk in and smile and say “Hi, how are you?” that would make you feel better. It’s only small but if it happened every day that would be a better place to work. That’s a marginal gain.” – Sir Dave Brailsford

The ‘aggregation of marginal gains approach‘ – identifying those small performance factors that, when aggregated together, can have a significant cumulative impact.*

Sir Dave Brailsford MBA, CBE led the British cycling team to victory in two Olympics and produced two British winners of the Tour De France within four years.


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