

QuickKey marks up to thirty multiple choice questions in a “beep.”  Okay, I exaggerate, in just under three seconds (in good light). Their strap line could be ‘Quiz. Scan. Analyse.’

Upload a class list (csv import). Create the class.

Design the quiz, or rather simply denote the answer key via the QuickKey dashboard. Assign the quiz to the class.


Print the QuickTicket answer sheet (you could laminate the sheets and use drywipe pens though do remember the camera works best in bright lights, and then the laminate creates an unhelpful glare).

QKIssue the students their id numbers.

Issue the quiz. Either a verbal quiz or written questions. (This is one of the feature requests. To be able to print the questions with the QuickTicket answer sheet).

Why not make the students work hard for their feedback. QuickKey scans thirty answers as fast as it does ten. Add a little stretch and challenge, you’ll never know what the students really can do unless you ask difficult questions.

Collect in the QuickTicket answer sheet. Scan… one, two, beep. Next. One, two, beep. (Scanning works best in bright light, hence you can access the idevices camera. Only there is no flash available on the ipad).


QK2Once the quizzes have been scanned (offline, no internet required) you get your students results, instantly. Plus a handful of assessment analytics that can be used to pinpoint your students misunderstanding, or learning blindspots. You can then plan and target your teaching accordingly in the subsequent lessons.

After a successful Kickstarter campaign and the release of the iOS app, the team are openly drawing the education community to steers QuickKey’s development and enhance both its useability, features and analytic – plus adding an Android app as well.

There is not too much more to tell you that is not more effectively communicated in the video below. Why not follow @QuickKeyApp and support this co-constructed education app, that is being developed with educators (and their students) very much at its heart. How can I make such a statement, check out the propose pricing model.





  1. Pingback: Knowing that you don’t know something | KristianStill/Blog

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