I have not written a full blog post on this, (yet). I did enjoy the TEDTalk, but not as much as the previous quest.
I think the TEDTalk was ‘enjoyable’ and present the view point of a games designer and gamer effectively. As a young father myself I gave most thought to David Perry’s consideration to what ‘games’ his young eighteen month old daughter might be exposed to in her up brining? If, in fact games will even be an appropriate definition?
The video understandably presented the view point of game designer David Perry, of what games could offer society / players, one area being learning, rather than how either learning could be accelerated or learner engaged through gaming. Hence it was enjoyable rather than purposeful.
One aspect I particularly ‘enjoyed’ and did challenge my thinking was Michael Highland, ‘As Real as Your Life.’ Fantastic imagery, exploring the blurring of boundaries between gaming self and the real self, even if I did not fully buy into his commentary. Then again, I do not share his perspective as a games addict although he doesn’t mention his addiction in his bio?