Moodle 2 (Preview 4)
MMooooddllee 22 ((PPrreevviieeww 44))

Moodle 2 (Preview 4)

This morning (back in July, another draft post) I used my PPA hour to have a good nose around the progress that is being made with Moodle 2. There is an official QA Testing site openly available upon which the Moodle team have already re-created the introduction tastk I first encountered 20 months but I am nosing around Preview 4, installed on one of our school servers.

First impressions? The plain theme is fine but its easy added colour in the numerous professional theme. The 3 column layout (now optional) is fine. Navigation is much improved and goes much deeper into the course. More page real-estate can be easily accessed by docking the navigation bar, very handy.

I worked through the basic resources and the changes that have been made, (eg Web-page is now just page) I feel are for the better. Improvements to the quiz module and how Moodle handles files were noted. I am sure there are still a few pleasant surprises to come….

… I was expecting to spend more time over the summer reviewnig Moodle 2.0 but its simply not a priority. I think I will wait for the first full BETA release as there are more pressing issues to attend to.

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