9 months ago, I set about designing a summative review of the substantive knowledge shared in lesson via a “BIG Quiz” that had been supported by retrieval practice routines throughout the term. Possibly better term Successive Relearning.
Setting up the quiz itself, the question-answers for each round (in addition to writing the question-answer prompts). Of course, as with all classroom routines, I learnt from experience and student feedback. I had been aiming for 100 questions, set, answered and marked in a 50 minute lesson, and we had gotten close a few times. But it had always been a shift!
Now with added Umph
Having ironed out the quiz protocol creases, I now have the added umph and power of classroom.remembermore.app (CRM). Having used the site almost every lesson and endorsed it’s use to students for ‘extra’ homework, students were familiar with 10 questions routines, question-answers and self-corrected / marking.
Consequently, with access to CRM, there is no preparation time for the “Big Quiz.” All the responsibility and effort lies with the students. Visually it is very strong. Here is the protocol for “Centurions – 100 questions, set, answered and self-marked in a single lesson” on a single piece of paper from CRM. Here is the protocol updated with prompts to address common pitfalls. Marking on a 2, 1, 0 model, accurate and correct, correct, incorrect, leverages the benefits of metacognitive monitoring.
What did I learn?
Test expectancy is a powerful motivatior.
Building on what I learnt last year and having achieved our 100 questions aim in 3 out of the 4 sessions, only some smaller refinements.
Students do enjoy quizzing. Sky high demand, brought big rewards. 100 questions, was a lofty aim. It is achievable and will be calmly achieved with these groups moving forward. Performance profiles across the three mixed attainment groups were remarkably consistent (30-70) – means for each group 50-54. Decks of 100/144 questions.
The refined and visual protocol helped, experienced helped. Even though the protocol “showed” the desired end point aim of a piece of paper folded into 6 sections, in the first two lessons, students had trouble with this task. Sessions 3 and 4, a visual demo helped.
Despite the warning and familiarity with CRM, the pace required to answer 10 questions is 2 minutes come as a shock. Confirm “half-way…” “last 20 seconds… 10, 9, 8 …” I gave an extra 15-20 seconds in round 1 only.
Be firm with the self-marking process. This is where time is easily lost. “Change pen.” Learners need to self-mark, fast and decisively. Do not take questions until all 10 answers have been checked. Check students are keeping a running totals.
Keeping a running total unquestionable helps with the close of the quiz and collecting the scores.

Veni, vidi, vici. – “I came; I saw; I conquered”
Having introduced the protocol to three new groups, we will achieve 100 questions in each session going forward. Having experienced Centurions, will students practice and retrieve more outside of class? Time will tell, however the size of the deck will be bigger still! The sky is getting higher still!
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